CUNA: More than half of CU CEOs are female

November 14, 2018 More than half (52%) of credit union CEOs are female, according to CUNA research, compared with only 5% of commercial bank and 6% of Fortune 500 CEOs. This is according to a recently released CUNA policy analysis issue brief showing the results of...

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DNB: Consultatie regels depositogarantiestelsel

Nieuwsbericht Datum 31 oktober 2018 DNB start de consultatie van de eerste wijzigingsronde van de regelgeving over het depositogarantiestelsel. Reactie is mogelijk tot 16 november 2018. Als uitvoerder van het Nederlandse depositogarantiestelsel (DGS) heeft DNB in juli...

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Bain & Company: How to Breathe New Life into Strategy

Fixed-cycle is out. Dynamic, adaptive and connective is (finally) in. By Herman Spruit and James Dixon   At a Glance The rigid, conventional process for developing strategy hinders rapid responses to insurgent competitors and crises—a harsh reality made even more...