1.7 billion adults worldwide still have no access to formal financial services. Why does this matter?

Access to finance in remote areas is proven to relieve barriers to poverty reduction, economic growth and female empowerment. Fintech can help solve these challenges but it needs the help – of governments, the public sector and financial institutions.


The Summit highlights the pivotal role the Nordic region is playing in making financial exclusion a thing of the past. The 2019 Summit will:

  • Deepen understanding of financial health – and ecosystem drivers that enable prosperity through financial inclusion
  • Identify funding gaps for reducing exclusion and explore opportunities for private-public sector partnerships to tackle it
  • Highlight targeted Nordic fintech innovations addressing unbanked customers – and identify roadmap to maximise their impact
  • Devise policy recommendations for Government, multilateral agencies and the public sectorWhy now?

    The Nordic region’s focus on humanitarian causes, its progress at building a cashless society, and reputation for transparency, openness and design-led thinking, puts it in a strong position to help solve one of society’s most intractable challenges. The Financial Inclusion Summit 2019 convenes an international gathering of stakeholders from governments and the public sector, financial institutions and fintech innovators.
