Kees Vendrik is een harde werker die tegen zichzelf in bescherming moet worden genomen. De dood van zijn zoontje heeft hem volgens vrienden wel veranderd.Triodos Bank Spain organised a conference in Barcelona to talk about sustainable banking and encourage financial institutions to ‘Change finance to finance change’. Kees Vendrik, Global Chief Economist of Triodos, explained their objective as values-based bank: “We believe banks should focus on fighting climate change and inequality, and support sustainable food production, among others”. Marcos Eguiguren, Executive Director of the GABV, analysed the success of sustainable institutions: “Clients want to know what banks do with their money, what do they invest in and how”. About the future, Mikel García-Prieto, Managing Director of Triodos Bank Spain, said: “If we want to increase our impact, we need to expand the reach of our work and take it to the public agenda”.

Read more about the conference at Triodos Bank España website and at EFE.