Het herstel van het MKB in Europa zet door. Dit blijkt uit de SME Performance review die vandaag gepresenteerd is tijdens de European SME Week. Deze week staat in het teken van het bevorderen van het MKB-ondernemerschap in Europa. De SME Performance review wordt jaarlijks door de Europese Commissie uitgebracht en bestaat uit een rapport en een factsheet per land. Het rapport geeft weer in hoeverre landen de Small Business Act (SBA) hebben geïmplementeerd. Het biedt een overzicht van de omvang, de opbouw en het belang van het MKB voor de Europese economie. Daarnaast blikt het terug op de prestaties van het MKB in de afgelopen jaren en kijkt het vooruit naar toekomstige prestaties.

In de factsheets staan per land de key-performance indicators en nationale beleidsontwikkelingen afgezet tegen de 10 SBA-beleidsdimensies in de 28 EU-landen, Macedonië, Ijsland, Montenegro, Servië, Turkije en Moldavië.https://ec.europa.eu/growth/smes/business-friendly-environment/performance-review-2016_en

The Netherlands:
During the reference period, most policy action was concentrated on ‘Think Small First’. Despite overall improvements, Access to finance remains difficult for Dutch SMEs and additional efforts are still required to make it easier for SMEs to access finance. Loan financing remains a specific challenge. Further actions are also needed on State aid and public procurement despite the government’s recent steps to address this issue. Despite targeted policy measures, SME participation in public procurement remains comparatively weak. There is also room for improvement on Skills & innovation, the use of ICT in SMEs’ trading activities and on the ICT skills training of SMEs’ employees. Finally, extra-EU trading by Dutch SMEs has stagnated in recent years, despite dedicated policy support. Further initiatives to boost SMEs’ extra-EU exports are needed. About the SBA fact sheets The Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) is the EU’s flagship policy initiative to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It comprises a set of policy measures organised around 10 principles ranging from Entrepreneurship and ‘Responsive administration’ to Internationalisation. To improve the governance of the SBA, the 2011 review of it called for better monitoring. Published annually, the SBA fact sheets aim to improve the understanding of recent trends and national policies affecting SMEs. Since 2011, each EU Member State has appointed a high-ranking government official as its national SME envoy. SME envoys spearhead the implementation of the SBA agenda in their countries. file:///C:/Users/lampe/Downloads/Netherlands%20-%202016%20SBA%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf